Indian bloggers mania: sridhar kondoji


Indian blogs

No confidence in Indian government

I have no faith in our government and no faith in any of our political outfits to secure India from terrorists. Our political outfits belong to yesterday where there was no terrorism. Today the world is beseiged with terrorists who are employed by weak governments and countries to fight stronger governments and countries on their behalf. Our political parties and men are outdated and not prepared for today’s world. Our political parties and men who leave no stone unturned to mimic Gandhi are good at just petty fights and playing robin hood character in doling out subsidies wasting our tax money.

Its pity that the India has witnessed huge tax collections in the past 5 years due to rise in employement and propsperity. Instead of securing this growth by increasing expenditure in internal security and saving money for future, our government spent in central government em,ployees pay hikes, oil subsidies and write offs of farmer loans.

Now, we are left with no money to do infrastructure spending nor there is any money left to secure our cities, Our finance minister is talking about borrowing to spend on infrastructure to help ailing economy. What a pity.

When you experience growth, you hedge it by securing the growth by spending in infrastructure and security to propell that gorwth. Instead, our government was using the increased tax money flow at its will to dole subsidies and begging the western investors to invest in our infrastructure. We proudly talk of competing with China but fail to understand its growth strategy. Whil china was saving its money and now spending in this downturn, we are tsimply talking and looking to borrow to spend money on infrastructure. Wow.

Who will invest in a country that cannot protect itself? What willl happen to our Hotel company stocks? What will happen to our cricket? What will happen to our economy? Where is the confidence?

Not withstanding the gloomy state affairs, our opposition parties are asking government to drop oil prices. What a shame? To top it all, our government is going to reduce oil prices just before elections.

When terrorists are using sea route and brazenly taking over Mumbai, the whole country is clueless about this incident and have no response. It is shame that future super power and would-be second largest economy in the world has given up its financial capital to few terrorists. What happened to our naval/sea power? What happened to all those billions spent in buying defense equipment?
Why couldn’t we spot the sea boats loaded with terrorists, hand grenades, heavy machine guns and AK-47s?

How could they event enter mumbai city un caught? Don’t we have check posts? Don’t these luxary hotels have security checks at the entrance gates? Don’t these luxary hotels ate Taj and oberoi have video cameras installed?
Part of the blame goes to these luxary hotel management also. Instead of using some of their earnings in installing security equipment, they just want to show fat margins to boost stock prices and pay themselves big. Now look what happened? Reputation earned in the last 100 years has just evaporated in one day. I will sell the stock of these hotel companies as i have no faith in them to protect my investments. These hotels will not get those customers back again.

The blame goes to government in Mumbai and central government. When bunch of terrorists could take over a financial hub like Mumbai, what can we say about our country? Where is the confidence in our government? We have lost our respect in this world? Who will visit Mumbai again or even India?

What will happen to our cricket? We were all laughing when cricket playing nations were cancelling their toors to Pakistan. Look at what happened to us now? Our government was simply sleeping all these days spending all the time to just outbid our opposition parties and trumping them in next elections. Our old mindset political parties are about to breaking our countries nerve and democrarcy.

I lost faith and i don’t no, when it will come back. I am bowing my head in shame. With all due respect to all those killed in Mumbai terror, i am ending this blog post in deep despair.

Filed under: Blogroll, Finance India, India blogs, Indian Bloggers, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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